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USC-3 Manual > Stand-Alone (Flash) Functionality > Flash JobIOSelect Mode

Flash JobIOSelect Mode
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Check out our SAMLight Video Tutorial regarding Job IO SelectModes:


The Flash JobIOSelection mode can be enabled via the FCI command FM with the corresponding flags, via the USC-Server->Flash->Configuration menu or via the SAMLight->Extras->Flash menu.

If this mode is active, the USC-3 settings can not be changed any more and the valid FCI command set is limited (FCI commands which are working in this mode can be found in the chapter FCI Command Reference).

If a bit is set or a job is marked, jobs can be uploaded to the USC-3 card via FTP. To add these jobs to the job list with JLA, the Flash JobIOSelect mode needs to be disabled.

The input bits can be either Opto_In[2..5] (15 jobs) or Digi_In[0..7] (255 jobs).

To give some feedback to the input setting device, there are 2 synchronization bits: job loaded and ready for trigger.

The job loaded bit is high if a valid input bit is set and the corresponding job has successfully loaded. The job loaded bit is low if no input bit is set or if the corresponding job to the set input is not existing. By default, this bit is going low briefly after a completed marking cycle even if no job change has occurred. This behavior can be changed with the FM flag 0x20000. If this flag is used, the job loaded bit stays high after a completed marking cycle if no new job has been defined.

The ready for trigger bit is indicating that the sending of an external trigger will lead to the start of a marking process. Of course, a valid job has to be defined before this bit will change to high. As soon as an external trigger has been recognized by the USC-3 card, this bit is going low until the card is ready for triggering again after a completed marking cycle.

The FM flag 0x800000 can be used to show the JobIOSelection input on Digi_Out if a valid job is selected.

The FM command SYNC can be used to define any available output bit as job loaded and ready for trigger.

If the input bit is changing during a marking process, this job will be cancelled, the new job will be loaded and the card will wait for an external start.

The FM flag 0x200000 can be used to load a pre-defined job after the booting of the USC-3 card. If this flag is used, no input bit for job selection is necessary any more. The job can be pre-defined with the command JNI.