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USC-3 Manual > G-Code (CNC) > G-Code Streaming

G-Code Streaming
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G-Code streaming is possible with the USC-3 card in flash (standalone) mode.


G-Code streaming information:

oThe G-code interpreter is listening on Telnet port 16224 of the USC-3 card.

oThe interpreter waits for a line feed character <LF>. The data received prior to this will be processed as one G-Code line.

oA G-Code may contain up to 10000 characters. After 10000 characters received without <LF>, the received characters are discarded.

oIf memory job is not started, all received data is discarded. If memory job is aborted, all current data is cleared.

oThe G-code interpreter cannot interpret custom functions (DFS and CALL).

Enable G-Code streaming:

oTo enable G-code streaming, send the FCI command JN M to Telnet port 23 of the USC-3 card to select the "memory job" M.

Start job execution:

oThe M job is started like a normal flash job with the FCI command M 1. Starting the M job starts buffering of the G-code lines.

oThe job execution starts, as soon as the minimum buffer level is reached or the G-Code command M2 is reached.

oAfter job execution has been stopped, the job execution must be started again.

Stop job execution:

oThe G-code command M2 ends the job execution, all commands already buffered are still processed.

oAn external stop or the FCI command M 0 stops the current job execution and clears already buffered G-code lines.

oErrors in the G-code interpretation cause the current marking to be aborted.


The G-Code Streaming can be logged using following FCI command LOG_DOMAIN GCODE 1

A G-Code Streaming example can be found here.