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SAMLight Manual > sc_usc_server.exe > Visible Mode

Visible Mode
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Per default the sc_usc_server runs invisible in the background.

For debug and configuration, it's useful to start the sc_usc_server in the visible mode.

To change the start mode, it's necessary to close SAMLight or any other running SAM program.

Please close a running sc_usc_server with the task manager, too.


There are four options to start sc_usc_server.exe in visible mode:

1.Use the shortcut in the Windows start menu: SCAPS SAMLight --> Make USCServer visible.

2.Press "Start", choose "Run...", type in "C:\scaps\sam2d\system\sc_usc_server.exe /v", hit the enter key.

3.Create a shortcut of <SCAPS>\system\sc_usc_server.exe and expand the target with /v.

4.Set the line "VisibleMode=0" in the file <SCAPS>\system\sc_usc.cfg to "VisibleMode=1".