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SAMLight Manual > Entities (Objects) > Control Objects > RS232

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With this control object rs232_icon you can set the RS232 Output and Input Value


Figure 280: RS232

Enable: If activated the control object is activated and will be performed within the next marking process.


COM Settings: Default setup is COM1,9600,N,8,1. Enter the COM Settings String made of:

COM-Port. It is also possible to use the USC-Com Port. In this case enter as COM-Port USC.


Parity: N: None, O: Odd or E: Even.

Data Bits: 7 or 8.

Stop Bits

Data to Set: Set the required characters. "0x##" will be always interpreted as HEX. If the combination of "0x" has to be sent, then both single characters have to be sent as HEX characters.

Answer: Set the answer the entity should wait for. HEX characters are also possible.

Timeout: Has to be defined if an Answer is set. The value is given in [ms]. If SAMLight is waiting longer than the specified time, the current procedure could be stopped.

Stop on Error: Stops the current marking procedure in case of any error. (Wrong answer or Timeout)

Use as Default: Set the current COM Settings configuration as default.