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SAMLight Manual > Motion Control Settings > Other motion controller > Type 6 - Faulhaber motion controller

Type 6 - Faulhaber motion controller
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The Faulhaber motion controller series are supported directly. To enable it, please configure the Faulhaber type 6 like it was described above.

For configuring the Faulhaber controller interface, a configuration file sc_motion_faulmc_settings.txt is required in the same location where the general motion settings file exists. There can be used one motion controller of this type at the same time, it is configured for the Z-axis fixed and can be used to perform positional changes. The Faulhaber configuration file can be used to specify different parameters like the COM-port, the data rate and others more. The file itself is a plain text file that contains different statements. Additionally there can be comments within the file that begin with a sign directly at the beginning of a line. These comments are ignored completely. Following parameters, that have to start exactly at the beginning of a line, are supported for configuring the interface.

PortName=xxx : Specifies to which port the Faulhaber controller is connected to, here for "xxx" e.g. COM1 has to be set.

PortBaudRate=yyyy : Defines the data rate (in bps) the COM port has to work with.

corr1 mm inc

corr2 mm inc

corr3 mm inc

corr4 mm inc

corr5 mm inc

The corr commands define a conversion and correction table from metric positions to incremental positions of the used Z-axis. This table consists of 5 entries where corr1 defines the smallest possible value and corr5 the biggest one. Here more than only a factor is given to allow it a user to equalize non-linear variances. The syntax of the corr table commands requires a metric value mm in millimetres and the appropriate incremental value inc that is equal to this metric position.


The incremental value of corr1 must be smaller or equal than the parameter llimit and the incremental value of corr5 must be equal or bigger than the value of parameter hvalue that are described below.

llimit=yyy : This parameter defines the lower limit the motion controller can drive to with the specified axis (in unit increments). Independent from the values that are sent from the program, the controller will never be driven to a value that is smaller than the one set here.

hlimit=yyy : This parameter defines the higher limit the motion controller can drive to using the current axis (in unit increments). Independent from the values that are sent from the program, the controller will never be driven to a value that is bigger than the one set here. So with llimit and hlimit a range can be defined where the motion controller is allowed to work within.