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SAMLight Manual > Motion Control Settings > Other motion controller > Type 1 - IMS Stepper Drives

Type 1 - IMS Stepper Drives
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After leaving the program an ims_settings.txt file is created in the folder <SCAPS>\system where controller settings can be done in case it is configured for the Ims motion controller.

For example:

ComPort = 1

serial interface number, alternatively: "ComPort = USC1" (CH_O)

ComSettings = 9600,N,8,1

baud rate, parity, word length, stop bits, flow control

PartyMode = 1

drive controller in party mode (for multiple axis)

→ With the current version the party mode needs to be used.

EncoderMode = 0

Read back encoder values (0/1)

For each axis the following settings need to be done.

AxisName: Definition of the name of the axis (one letter) where the commands are being sent to.

AxisMode: Either angle or pos. Sets the units in the user interface.

AxisScale: Number of increments per unit. Taken for pos mode.

AxisIncPerRot: Number of increments for one rotation, relevant for angle mode.

EncoderAxis: Defines if the motor has an encoder, values: 0 or 1.

SpeedScale: Factor for speed. In case the motor drives another wheel this factor is needed for the wheel to achieve the entered speed. The default value is 1.

MinSpeed: Minimum Speed in steps per second.

MaxSpeed: Maximum Speed in steps per second.

DefaultSpeed: Default Speed in steps per second.


Pressing the Home button in the control motion property page the "G 0" command is sent to comport.

If Auto Variable Resolution mode is used the speed will be the entered speed divided with the resolution factor.